RetroRomIcon Games 应用

Sabotage 1.0
Sabotage is an exciting game with a retroflavour! You control a defensive turret. Enemy paratroopers arelaunched from choppers and unless you blast them to pieces theywill land and attempt to sabotage and destroy your turret. Eachtrooper is wired with explosives and should they reach the turret,it's boom time for everyone in the blast radius! When the air raidsiren sounds, the enemy will try to bomb you - shoot the bomb outof the sky before it blows you to smithereens. You can shooteverything that moves - choppers, transports, troopers, bombs,parachutes - but each bullet will cost you a point so don't get tootrigger happy if you want a high score.Features:- Laser-sighting which makes the game easier for beginners- Progressively more difficult levels with the ability to resumethe game from a later level- Challenging gameplay with multiple enemies including choppers,paratroopers, troop transports and bombers- Bullets cost one point each; careful aiming earns biggerrewards- Should work on all Android devices- Just-one-more-go gameplay, easy to load up but real tough to putdown!This is our first game and we're excited to hear from you! Wehad a lot of fun making Sabotage and hope you enjoy playing it justas much. Please leave a great review if you like the game, and ifyou have any thoughts, questions, issues or ideas for improvement,please don't hesitate to contact us at READING! IT'S TIME TO LOCK AND LOAD!!
Sabotage Free (NO ADS) 1.0.1
Sabotage is an exciting game with a retroflavour! You control a defensive turret. Enemy paratroopers arelaunched from choppers and unless you blast them to pieces theywill land and attempt to sabotage and destroy your turret. Eachtrooper is wired with explosives and should they reach the turret,it's boom time for everyone in the blast radius! When the air raidsiren sounds, the enemy will try to bomb you - shoot the bomb outof the sky before it blows you to smithereens. You can shooteverything that moves - choppers, transports, troopers, bombs,parachutes - but each bullet will cost you a point so don't get tootrigger happy if you want a high score.Limited Demo:- ABSOLUTELY NO ADS.- 99c in app upgrade to full version:- Highscore entry (disabled in demo).- Continue play (disabled in demo).- Unlock all levels (disabled in demo).- Demo limited to 6 of 15 attack waves.The above are the only features turned off in the demo - thereare NO ADS, and NO NAGWARE, NO TIMED WAITS, and NO CRIPPLEWARE ofany kind. I find this kind of marketing obnoxious, and I will neverthrust it upon my customers.In game hit 'OPTIONS' on the main menu and you will go to theregister screen. From there you can either register the game if youwish, or continue to the game options. I've done my best to makethe register screen both easy to find, while not being anannoyance.Features:- Laser-sighting which makes the game easier for beginners- Progressively more difficult levels with the ability to resumethe game from a later level- Challenging gameplay with multiple enemies including choppers,paratroopers, troop transports and bombers- Bullets cost one point each; careful aiming earns biggerrewards- Should work on all Android devices- Just-one-more-go gameplay, easy to load up but real tough to putdown!This is our first game and we're excited to hear from you! Wehad a lot of fun making Sabotage and hope you enjoy playing it justas much. Please leave a great review if you like the game, and ifyou have any thoughts, questions, issues or ideas for improvement,please don't hesitate to contact us at READING! IT'S TIME TO LOCK AND LOAD!!